
God Vs Science

GOD VS SCIENCE. *  I just read this story from a certain blog somewhere and have taught me a lesson. Read this down to the end and see what conclusion can you draw to yourself. A science professor begins his school year with a lecture to the students, “Let me explain the problem science has with religion.” The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. “You’re a Christian, aren’t you, son?” “Yes sir,” the student says. “So you believe in God?” “Absolutely.” “Is God good?” “Sure! God’s good.” “Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?” “Yes.” “Are you good or evil?” “The Bible says I’m evil.” The professor grins knowingly. “Aha! The Bible!” He considers for a moment. “Here’s one for you. Let’s say there’s a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?” “Yes sir, I would.” “So you’re good…!” “I wouldn’t say that.” “But why not say that? You’d help a sick and maimed person if ...


"INSIGHT" Heyaa! Sry, really i don't know how to start conversation but while writing this i m just thinking that i m standing on front of u.. I m quit nervous; Okh fine.. So, i have to say many things but i don't think here i can.. Soo i try to say in short.. "BYEE" If u r going to ask, why? then, We are not going to interact or meet again " You re-apply and came back and you may sit that subject again and you could sit the exam again and we r going to interact in chemistry classes again " These are not going to happen nah.. but really this year interaction with u is just unforgettable.. I know we not talk yet anymore, but i don't know why i just wanna in contact with u.. I don't want, i feel regret for any small things in life.. Actually the main reason is that nah, i m passionate about small little things in life..  so i said this.. But really you're just adorable! If u got free time nh plz, a humble request, watch...

Love Like Indians

   "LOVE LIKE INDIANS" .   Note: This is not completely real based Story. But it's created by me with mixing of somes real story . As I'm In 10th Grade. As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. As 10 grade had been passed nd it is the new class  11th for us.  11th Grade. The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be ...